The Private Interview provides the Panel of Judges the chance to get to know the Contestant on a personal level. The Contestant will be able to share her personality, achievements, aspirations and explain why they are the best person for the job for which they are applying. This will also provide the Contestant with the opportunity to share her passion for and experience with her platform issue. The Private Interview will be conducted in a panel-style format and will be ten minutes in duration. The Judges will take into consideration the Contestant’s communication skills, ability to command the room, and potential to fulfill the job responsibilities of the titleholder. Scoring will not be based on a Contestant’s opinion on a subject discussed in Private Interview, but rather, the Contestant’s ability to share her opinion and understanding of the issue.

The talent performance provides the Judges an opportunity to experience the Contestant’s talent in the style and format of her choosing.
The talent competition includes but is not limited to the performing arts and can include demonstrations of:
Operatic Performance
Illusion Performance
Athletic Skill
Vocal Performance
Instrumental Performance
Career interest
Performance Art, i.e. Speed painting
Baton Twirling

Fitness & Wellness in Swimsuit:
The Fitness & Wellness competition is designed to demonstrate the Contestant’s healthy lifestyle. The Judges will take into consideration the Contestant’s confidence on stage, display of charisma and dedication to mind-body balance. The focus of the competition is not on a Contestant’s size or shape, but, rather, the ability of a Contestant to challenge herself to achieve higher levels of health, energy, wellness and purpose to integrate all aspects of body, mind and spirit

Evening Gown:
The Evening Gown competition is designed to feature the young woman wearing the dress, rather than the dress itself. The Judges will take into consideration the Contestant’s composure, poise and stage presence during this phase of competition. The focus will be on the appropriateness of the gown and, most importantly, on the Contestant’s personality and confidence.

Job Readiness:
Job Readiness will be taken into consideration on the Final Night of competition and will be combined with the Preliminary Nights competitions.

Final Night Scoring Criteria:
40% Job Readiness—taking into consideration the preliminary competitions coupled with the job description of the titleholder
20% Talent
20%Fitnessand Wellness
20% Evening Gown
Top 5 Question will be observed by the Panel of Judges before filling out the Final Ballot.